The Train
The Ultimate in Rail Luxury
When it comes to luxurious rail travel, the Royal Canadian Pacific offers the finest experience in the world. Step aboard our fleet of Canadian Pacific Railway vintage carriages for the ultimate in luxury rail vacations.
Our Heritage
Royal Canadian Pacific is owned and operated by Mount Stephen Properties Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Pacific Railway Company.

Our History
The Canadian Pacific Railway was formed to physically unite Canada and Canadians from coast to coast. At CP, we take great pride in our past and look to the future with the same boldness, ambition and innovation that drove the creation of the railway.
Prior to the opening of the CPR, getting from one end of Canada to another was nearly impossible, and would have taken months via boats, horseback and on foot. Once open, a trip across the country could be counted in days.
Royal Canadian Pacific is owned and operated by Mount Stephen Properties Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Learn more about the rich history of the CPR at cpconnectingcanada.ca.

Historical Guests
European Royalty, Prime-Ministers, and Hollywood Celebrities have all traveled aboard over the years. Notable guests hosted on special Canadian Pacific trains and some Royal Canadian Pacific business cars include:

Sir Winston Churchill used his private office in the signature Mount Stephen observation car during the 1943 Quebec Conference and it is still a favorite sitting area for our guests as they watch the spectacular scenery of the Canadian Rockies pass by.